Lee's Hill Wednesday Morning Ladies League

  • Lee’s Hill Ladies’ League

    We are an 18-hole handicapped league with members divided into three flights.  If you don’t have a current handicap, we will be glad to assist you in establishing or updating one.  The maximum handicap allowed is 45.

    Opening Day:  Starting Wednesday, April 2, 2025

    Opening Day only: 7:45 meeting to pay annual dues, sign up for games committee and hand out the roster and rules. 

    All other weeks, arrive by 8:10 at the latest for game planning purposes.  Our shotgun start begins at 8:40 most days.

    If you haven’t signed up in a previous week, call the Club by Monday, 540-891-0111 @ noon to sign up for Wednesday game.

    League membership annual dues  tbd, which will go towards end-of-season prizes.

    Joining the Ladies League makes you eligible for home and away invitational tournaments based upon participation in the Wednesday golfing.

    To participate in the Lees Hill Ladies League Championship, you must play at least seven times during the 2025 season.

    Players are assigned to one of the A, B or C flights based on their handicap at the first of each month.

    Those who wish to join and play only 9 holes may do so, but will be placed with the last group and will not be eligible to participate in the weekly prizes or chip-ins.

    Contact for the Ladies League at Lee's Hill:  540-891-0111